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Make Your Move.

Classes that move you. Fitness that fits you. A community that supports you.
All in one platform. Join the movement.

Unlock unlimited access to 1K+ classes across multiple categories, designed to bring joy and excitement into your life. No pressure, no competition - just a great time (even if you only have a few minutes!).


Our mission is to make exercise an enjoyable and sustainable part of your lifestyle. Our workouts are customized to help you develop healthy habits for the long-term, whether it's at home, in the gym, or on-the-go — no matter what device you use!


We're dedicated to transforming how people think about physical activity. Our cutting edge workouts are made with the intention of helping you build and maintain healthy habits wherever life takes you - for GOOD!

Find what makes you move, for good.


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Alan H.

So good I'm having trouble fitting in Peloton. Peloton supplements The Move For Good vs. other way around. That should tell you all you need to know.

Amanda O.

I have never felt so welcomed, accepted and supported within a community like this, being able to show up in whatever capacity the day allows, and be guided to find the movement my body needs in the moment-whether that's strength building, increasing flexibility, or just working on mobility.  The Move for Good is truly a gift for me, as I am about to undergo a massive back surgery, yet have been able to modify as needed in every class, and know I'll be able to do the same as I recover. I'm not judged or looked at differently for doing what works for my body. The inclusivity and genuine connections have made me a T>4G member for life.

Elizabeth H.

Consistently encouraging experience and creative workouts that challenge me and keep me from feeling that working out is a task.

Rhonda M.

Passion for your mission, care about your clients, and the best fitness instruction anywhere on this planet!

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